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GlobalEasy Comercio Exterior

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2016





Log&iacute;stica<br /> Se sua empresa deseja importar, n&oacute;s executamos com efici&ecirc;ncia e seguran&ccedil;a todos os procedimentos, pois nossos esfor&ccedil;os s&atilde;o voltados &agrave; qualidade. Portanto buscaremos todas as alternativas e orienta&ccedil;&otilde;es em suas negocia&ccedil;&otilde;es visando a solu&ccedil;&otilde;es integradas em todas as fases do processo de importa&ccedil;&atilde;o.<br /> Atrav&eacute;s de know-how e parceiros, desenvolvemos solu&ccedil;&otilde;es de log&iacute;stica e transporte integrados, utilizando uma completa e diversificada estrutura de recursos.<br /> Definir estrat&eacute;gia de transporte &eacute; fundamental para que voc&ecirc; possa atingir metas eficientes e menores custos aliados &agrave; seguran&ccedil;a.<br /> Ap&oacute;s receber a data de prontid&atilde;o da carga ser&aacute; coordenado o transporte, garantindo que a mercadoria chegue ao destino no prazo desejado, suprindo as expectativas. O transporte de mercadoria poder&aacute; ser feito por vias mar&iacute;tima, rodovi&aacute;ria e a&eacute;rea.<br /> Nossas responsabilidades: Estudo da melhor log&iacute;stica Cota&ccedil;&atilde;o de fretes internacionais a&eacute;reos, mar&iacute;timos e rodovi&aacute;rios Reserva de pra&ccedil;a Contrata&ccedil;&atilde;o de transporte interno Contrata&ccedil;&atilde;o e monitoramento de servi&ccedil;os de armazenagem em &aacute;reas alfandeg&aacute;rias (primaria/secund&aacute;ria).


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Logistics <br /> If your company want to import, we run efficiently and safely all procedures because our efforts are focused on quality. Therefore we seek all alternatives and guidelines in their negotiations aimed at integrated solutions at every stage of the import process. <br /> Through know-how and partners have developed integrated logistics and transportation solutions using a complete and diversified funding structure. <br /> Set transport strategy is critical for you to reach goals efficient and lower costs allied to security. <br /> After receiving the cargo readiness date of the transport will be coordinated, ensuring that the goods reach the destination in a timely, meeting the expectations. The transport of goods can be done by sea, road and air routes. <br /> Our responsibilities: the best logistics study Quote air international freight, maritime and road Square Book internal transport contract Contracting and monitoring of storage services in customs areas (primary / secondary).

  • Logistics
  • Foreign Trade
  • international freight quote

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GlobalEasy Comercio Exterior

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Representative / Agent
  • Business Service

  • Foreign trade
  • import
  • export
  • advice and consultancy
  • radar

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marcel Decarli
  • icone de telefone +55 16 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker São Carlos / SP | Brazil

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