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Hebei Tianao Technology Co.,Ltd

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Hydrogenated lecithin

Unit Price:

USD 12,00

FOB Price:

Not informed

Minimum Order Quantity:

1 Metric Ton

Type of Payment:

L/C (Letter of Credit)

T/T (Wire Transfer)

Preferred Port:

Not informed


Not informed


OverviewHydrogenated soy lecithin is a method of chemical modification of lecithin. Hydrogenated lecithin is widely used, can be used as feed and food additives, is also a carrier of ribonucleoprotein, it is an important raw material for the manufacture of large infusions. PropertiesHydrogenated lecithin has strong hydrophilicity and moisturizing properties, has a strong affinity for skin and mucous membranes, and can be used in cosmetic formulations to moisturize, emulsify and disperse, and condition the skin. UsesHydrogenated lecithin has strong hydrophilicity and moisturizing properties, has a strong affinity for skin and mucous membranes, and can play a role in moisturizing, emulsifying and dispersing, and antioxidant in the formulation of cosmetics; As a surfactant, it can also condition the skin, so that it can achieve a good oil-water balance effect, better absorption of Chemicalbook nourishment, in shampoos, liquid detergents, hydrogenated lecithin plays the role of pearlizing agent, the use of hydrogenated lecithin can also be developed skin cream, hand cream, lipstick, sunscreen oil and other advanced cosmetic products. DescriptionHydrogenated lecithin is a partial hydrolysate of lecithin, which improves its hydrophilic ability. It is absorbed by human skin and hair and can promote the penetration of other nutrients, and is often used in conditioning cosmetics with linolenic acid, hyaluronic acid and vitamins. At the same time, lecithin is also a comprehensive nutritional product, which is often supplemented, which plays a very important role in preventing and improving cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, strengthening the brain, preventing fatty liver and liver cirrhosis, and beautifying the skin.

  • detergents
  • cosmetic raw materials
  • synthetic phospholipids

Production Capacity:


Delivery Timeframe:

Depends on Size of Order


CFR - Cost and Freight

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight

EXW - Ex Works

FOB - Free on Board

Packaging Details:

Not informed

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Hebei Tianao Technology Co.,Ltd

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1M - 2M

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Other

  • SLES
  • AOS 38%
  • Detergent Raw Material

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Emma Zhang
  • icone de telefone +86 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker Shijiazhuang / Hebei | China
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