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Usina Alto Alegre S.a. - Açúcar E Álcool

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

The Plant Alto Alegre is responsible for planting, extraction, production and industrialization of sugarcane.

Since Plant Alto Alegre (UAA) foundation values are transmitted from generation to generation. Each new employee who joins to the team that includes about 49,842 people, including direct and indirect jobs, also partake of the "Our Way of Being."

Currently, the Alto Alegre Plant has capacity to process approximately 8.8 million tons of cane per harvest, than produce 17 million bags of sugar, 5.0 million bags of sugar, 205 million liters of alcohol hydrous and anhydrous fuel and co-generate 54MWh electricity.

More about
Usina Alto Alegre S.a. - Açúcar E Álcool

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Business type

  • Alto Alegre
  • sugarcane
  • plant
  • Refined Sugar
  • Crystal Sugar
  • Anhydrous Alcohol
  • Hydrate Alcohol
  • Electricity
  • carbon credits
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Carlos Lanza
  • icone de telefone +55 44 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker FLORESTOPOLIS / PA | Brazil

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