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Active Request Since: 22/03/2023


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I would like to receive a quote for the product VLT-533 Recliner Armchair, quantity 250. Mr. Supplier, The Brazilian Company of Hospital Services EBSERH, through the Administration Sector of the University...

I would like to receive a quote for the product VLT-533 Recliner Armchair, quantity 250. Mr. Supplier, The Brazilian Company of Hospital Services EBSERH, through the Administration Sector of the University Hospital of Brasília - HUB, requests you to propose a price estimate for VLT- 533 Recliner Armchair, in the quantity of 250 units. We inform you that EBSERH is a public company that guides its purchases through Law 13.303/16, which is why we request that the proposal be issued on Letterhead paper, containing at least the following data: Period of validity of the proposal (preferably 60 DAYS); Address, CNPJ Product Brand, if applicable; Delivery time or provision of the service; Method of payment by NOTE OF COMMITMENT; We also clarify that this institution works with a Note of Commitment and that the proposal must contain the net price, freight and other expenses included. For further clarifications, we make ourselves available through the contacts indicated below. Yours sincerely, Estimated quantity 250

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