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Quotation for VHP 1cumsa 600-1200 RBU

Active Request Since: 26/06/2024


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Please provide a quotation for the following product: Product: VHP 1cumsa 600-1200 RBU Specifications: Raw Cane Sugar, Grade A, Polarization: 97.80% to 99.2%, Ash Content: 0.15% Maximum, Moisture: 0.15%...

Please provide a quotation for the following product: Product: VHP 1cumsa 600-1200 RBU Specifications: Raw Cane Sugar, Grade A, Polarization: 97.80% to 99.2%, Ash Content: 0.15% Maximum, Moisture: 0.15% Maximum, Solubility: 95% Dry & free flowing, Granulometry: 0.6 mm, Color: Brown - IC 600 to 1200 typical, Radiation within International limits, Sulphur Dioxide: 60 mg/kg, Smell: Free of any odor, Reducing Sugar: 0.05% Maximum, SO2: 120 mg/kg, Substance: Solid Brown Crystal, ICUMSA: VHP 600-1200 RBU, HPN Staph Aureus: NIL, Free from Mold, unnatural odors, chemicals, and insects, Phytosanitary Certificate, No radiation, no virus, no insect parts, no poisonous matter, Suitable for Human Consumption Quantity: 1 million tons yearly, 80,0000MT per month Company Details: Commodity importer Estimated Quantity: 1 million tons yearly, 80,0000MT per month Reminder: This is a Distributed Message. The buyer is open to receiving quotes from multiple sellers in the same category. Send your best offer!

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