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Apis Flora Industrial E Comercial Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Founded on February 8, 1982, Apis Flora conquered the leadership in the national market. Mostly because Apis Flora is considered pioneer in the production of apiphytotherapic (based on honey, propolis and medicinal plants).

Thanks to scientific researches sponsored by entities such as USP, UNESP and other universities, which have demonstrated effectiveness and safety of the products, contributing, also, for technological improvements in this important segment in the national pharmaceutical industry, which works with natural active principles.

Apis Flora´s quality today it is a national and international reference, having received prizes and international researchers\ visits, who stated that the facilities and developed technology, are comparable to the best laboratories in the area in the whole world.

In the last years, Apis Flora has exported many products to Asia, Europe and Latin America, rising the other countries interest, due to the recognition of its international quality level, which is a result of continuous effort in research and development of technology and products.

Apis Flora is an exclusive and certified supplier for Johnson & Johnson, in its children line of products , which is honey based, supplying all the production units, in Latin America.

Apis Flora, offers approximately 100 direct jobs and 250 indirect jobs. There are 42 products available in its line , which are for the consumers health and well being, using products only from natural, certified and high quality suppliers.

In order to achieve its mission Apis Flora invests in social projects principally for children and adolescents in need as well as environmental preservation and life quality.

More about
Apis Flora Industrial E Comercial Ltda

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Business type

  • apis flora
  • apiphytotherapic
  • honey
  • propolis
  • medicinal plants

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Shirley ********
  • icone de telefone +55 16********
  • map-marker Ribeirão Preto / SP | Brazil

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