We offer to the market best raw material Packaging, and services, therefore guaranteeing the quality of the products and materials<br><br><br>All Apis Flora products, undergo rigorous quality test, afterwards they are available to the consumer. The quality of the product continues to be tested at laboratories by analysis of stability during the validity period, guaranteeing the its quality during the validity period. <br><br>Apydol<br><br>Energetics<br><br>Eucaprol<br><br>Honey<br><br>Lotus<br><br>Propolis<br><br>Propomalva<br><br>Propomax<br><br>Royal Jelly<br><br>
- apis flora products
- raw material
- apydol
- energetics
- eucaprol
- honey
- lotus
- propolis
- propomalva
- propomax
- royal jelly
- bee products
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Not informed
Not informedPackaging Details:
Not informed
More about
Apis Flora Industrial E Comercial Ltda
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Not informed
Not informed
Business type
- apis flora
- apiphytotherapic
- honey
- propolis
- medicinal plants
Contact and location
Shirley ********
+55 16********
Ribeirão Preto / SP | Brazil