Peanut meal is a by-product resulting from the extraction of peanut oil, which is mainly composed of the solid residues of the seed after pressing. With a high content of protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients, peanut meal is widely used as a nutritious source in animal feed, especially in cattle, pig, and poultry feed.
Its nutritional value is remarkable, being an excellent source of vegetable protein, making peanut meal a viable and sustainable alternative in balanced diets for animals, promoting healthy growth and improved digestion.
In addition to its use in the feed industry, peanut meal can also be used in the production of functional and enriched foods, or even in agricultural products such as natural fertilizers, due to its rich organic content.
Another advantage is its cost-effectiveness, as it offers an affordable way to add protein to the animal diet or other industrial processes, making the most of peanuts' resources.
- Bran
- Peanuts
- Flour
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Degan Alimentos
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Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Peanuts
- Coffee
- Pelletized Peanut Shells
- Peanut Oil
- Cottonseed Oil
- Cotton Pie Ver Mais
Contact and location
Emerson Degan
+55 16 xxxxxxxx
Borborema / SP | Brazil