The Promising Global Wood Market

Opportunities in the prospected expansion for the sector

With a diverse product portfolio, the global wood market has a strong presence in international trade. Whether in construction, paper and fabric production, transport or end-consumer products, wood is widely used around the world.

The promising character of the market is justified by market prospects. According to the Global Wood Products Market report (2021), a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% is predicted. In the medium term, a compound annual growth rate of 7% is expected until 2025, illustrating the sector's rise and demonstrating a profitable investment..

In a scenario of growing demand for transparency and regulations in the global wood market supply chain, preference for certified products from reliable suppliers is essential. Therefore, our selection of verified suppliers is highly recommended.
With a diverse product portfolio, the global wood market has a strong presence in international trade. Whether in construction, paper and fabric production, transport or end-consumer products, wood is widely used around the world. The promising character of the market is justified by market...

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