Furniture (not electric): bed, desk, bookcase, chair, closet, and others.<br><br>Electrical: surgical table, incubator, anesthesia machine, autoclave, respirator, heart monitor, an electrocardiograph, surgical lamp, infusion pumps, dialysis, diagnostic imaging and others.<br><br>Surgical instruments: forceps, scissors, wire scalpel, forceps and other<br><br>Physiotherapy equipment: rods, walkers, ultrasound, short-wave equipment, whirlpool, paraffin bath and others.<br><br>Hospitality: Washing Machine, calenders, centrifuge and other sterilizer.
- Medical equipment
- Furniture
- Electrical
- Surgical instruments
- Physiotherapy equipment
More about
Abimo - Associacao Brasileira Da Industria De Artigos E Equipamentos Medicos, Odontologicos, Hospitalares E De Laboratorios
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Business type
- Brazilian Association of Industries of Medical
- Dental
- Hospital and Laboratory Equipment
Contact and location
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+55 11********
SAO PAULO / SP | Brazil