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Agricola Fraiburgo

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

In 1961 a French group leaded by Mr. Gabriel Evrard first came to Brazil. They traveled through many regions in the mild climate band searching for an appropriate site for fruit production. They found out that the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe Region offered ideal altitude, soil and climate conditions for the development of species they intended to cultivate.
Agrícola Fraiburgo was founded in 27th March 1962, by Mr. René and Arnoldo Frey, Gabriel and Henri Evrard and Albert Mahler, who in that time owned a modest canteen and small plum and hybrid grape orchards. The first apple sprouts arrived in 1963 and were used as experiments and kept on like this for some while until the definition of the most appropriate varieties for cultivation: Gala, Golden and Fuji.

The results achieved during 12 consecutive years were given to the official Brazilian research organizations and the several handling techniques developed by Agrícola Fraiburgo became models for all over the country. With the time, the construction of the Packing House and acquisition of two modern equipment: for apple classification and boxing, ensured the storage quality and positive result for the company.

Since then, Agrícola Fraiburgo carries on investing in research and technological development, maintaining high quality standard, strictness in planting, care from the sprouting until the computerized control of all processes, resulting in the fruit of our work: tradition in apple production.



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Agricola Fraiburgo

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Business type

  • apples

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marciel ********
  • icone de telefone +55 49********
  • map-marker Videira / SC | Brazil

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