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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Alibra develops a variety of dairy solutions, food mixes and innovative products for the food and beverage market. Our Research and Development department works closely with the client to improve functionality, taste and cost effectiveness of the products.
Through research on trends, carefully listening to customers or simply investing in new ideas, Alibra has been developing work processes and a philosophy that provides differentiation for the food and beverage market. The company also develops tailor made formulations to fulfill clients' requirements.
With flexibility to meet different market demands for food and drinks, the company focuses on three distinct markets:

INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS: The concern with the nutritional characteristics of food is no longer an isolated occurrence, but a constant reality. A generation of demanding consumers has emerged and it is now simply a fact that foods need to be increasingly healthy, nutritious and tasty. It is possible to offer high nutritional value, new flavors and additional functions to foods and beverages to serve this new market. Our ingredients provide process advantages and differentiation for the food industry in general (dairy, chocolate, ice cream, bakery and many other segments of food industry).
Industrial Products:
-Milk Powder Replacers
-Dairy Powder Mixes
-Milk Cream Powder
-Vegetable Fat Powder
-Sweet Whey Powder
-Partially Dematerialized Whey Powder
-Calcium & Sodium Caseinates
-Vegetable Oil Powders
-Natural Flavored Powders.
-Stabilizers & Emulsifiers Systems

RETAIL PRODUCTS: Alibra develops a variety of food products which can both be consumed as beverages or as ingredients in recipes. Moreover, they are quick and easy to prepare. Our products are commercialized through supermarkets and distributors.
Retail Products:
-Milk Powder Replacers Enriched with Vitamins and Minerals.
-Powdered Infant Wheat Cereal with Milk
-Powdered Infant Corn Cereal
-Powdered Infant Rice Cereal
-Powdered Chocolate Drink Mix.
-Powdered Flavored Beverage Drinks.

CATERING PRODUCTS:  Products with high quality, with or without addition of functional ingredients, developed for the Food Service Market and School Food. Depending on its purpose, the products can be enriched with vitamins, calcium and iron. The products are practical and versatile, designed for restaurants, bakeries, buffets, hotels, schools, industrial kitchens, fast food chains, hospitals, government agencies and many others. We also offer ingredients to prepare sweet and savory recipes.
Catering & Food Service Products:
-Milk Powder Replacers with different Percentages of Protein and Fat
-Powdered Blends to Prepare Dairy Beverages
-Powdered Blends to Prepare Dairy Desserts
-Powdered Infant Cereals
-Powdered Chocolate Drink Mix
-Analog Cheeses (refrigerated products)
-Cream Cheeses (refrigerated products)
-Bakery& Confectionery Handmade Products: Powder Mix to Prepare Mousse, Pantone and Chantilly; Healthy Solutions for Cakes; Aeration Agents for Cakes
-Ice Cream Handmade Products: Flavored Ice Cream Bases, Mix to Prepare Frozen & Soft Ice Cream; Anti Frozen Fillings, Natural Flavors Powders, Stabilizers & Emulsifiers Systems)
-Mixtures for Vending Machines: Agglomerated Milk Replacers.
-Instant Potato Flakes

OUTSOURCING: Alibra operates with outsourcing of food powder. The company develops, produces and fills products that offer quality assurance for the clients. Be a partner to develop your own brand!
Contact us for more information and find out what we can do for your business!

EXPORT: Alibra can reliably export a full range of high quality products at competitive and stable prices. In all countries where it operates, Alibra delivers excellence in its products and services to its clients.

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • South America



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10M - 50M

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • ingredients
  • solutions
  • milk
  • dairy compounds
  • milk replacers
  • mixtures alimentcias
  • dairy products
  • cereals
  • fats.
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Ludmilla ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker CAMPINAS / SP | Brazil

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