Waste management is currently the major emphasis on the services provided by ARATU.<br><br>Performed in an environmentally correct, the Waste Management function is to discard or redestinar without any damage to the environment, waste solids and semi-solids resulting from industrial activity, are toxic, chemical, pharmaceutical or hospital.<br>In the final destination, also includes sludge from treatment plant wastewater generated by pollution control equipment, as well as certain liquids whose characteristics make it impossible to launch the public sewerage system or water bodies, or require, for this, solutions economically unviable, given the best available technology.<br>Proper waste management benefits companies in reducing costs, increasing revenue and promotes its image to customers, suppliers and the general population.<br><br>ARATU practices the following types of waste management:<br>Incineration of waste Class I and II<br> Co-processing<br> Domestic and industrial landfill<br> Transport of waste<br> Storage of hazardous waste<br> Disposal of asbestos / asbestos<br> Carrier hydro-pump vacuum and for cleaning of waste<br> Issue of Cadri and reports of laboratory analysis
- waste management services
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Aratú Ambiental Ltda.
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Business type
- aratu Agricultural Engineers
- Technical Environmental
- Safety and Specialized Professionals to provide customers with solutions Treatment Plant - Treatment HT
- Waste Management and Sales and Rental of Containers
Contact and location
César ********
+55 13********
Santos / SP | Brazil