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Associação Latino Americana de Gastronomia

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LATIN GASTRONOMY FESTIVAL PROJECT (LATIN FLAVORS FAIR) ALAG (Latin American Association of Gastronomy), a group of Latin American residents in Paraná, is an independent body composed of 12 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela), which was born of the Association for the Integration of Latin Americans of Curitiba (AILAC) founded on May 23, 2011. ALAG has its head office in Curitiba-Paraná. Its main objectives are to spread Latin American culture through its typical cuisine of each region, seeking to favor a greater interaction between the population and tourists. MAIN OBJECTIVES: It is always interesting that a gastronomic festival offers other services and attractions, as well as food and drinks, to its customers. However, it is important to emphasize that everything offered must be in accordance with the theme in order not to mischaracterize the event. Exaggeratedly, one cannot, for example, present a belly dance show at a Mexican Festival. However, it is essential not to forget that the main focus is gastronomy, the other services are only complements that enrich the festival. When determining what will be offered at the event, it is worth defining a detailed program of the festival, with dates, times, etc. PROJECT PREPARATION: A formal and well-designed project, in addition to facilitating the operation of the event and its subsequent analysis, is also the main "weapon" for attracting sponsors and partners. The design of a gastronomic festival must present at least the following items about the event: LOCATION DEFINITION: It is important to consider the conditions for the operationalization of all necessary services, such as: space, lighting, transit of people SETTING THE DATE AND RACE OF THE EVENT: The date and duration of the event must be chosen according to the objectives of the event. It is intended to minimize the low season, the event needs to happen on dates of little movement; if the objective is to launch a particular product, the date of the festival must coincide with the launch of that product on the market; if it is intended to celebrate a certain date, it is obvious that it should happen on the date itself and so on. DEFINITION OF COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES AND ATTRACTIONS: - The dissemination of the tourist destination itself, through the dissemination of the event; - The dissemination of local culture, through the inclusion of various aspects in its offer (such as: dance, crafts, folklore, etc. - The heating of local commerce and crafts; - Gastronomic Festivals are always an excellent opportunity to get to know new tourist routes. Which turns out to be a tasty and fun party.



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Associação Latino Americana de Gastronomia

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • ALAG
  • promotes
  • fairs
  • gastronomy
  • culture
  • dances
  • music
  • region
  • metropolitan
  • Curitiba
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Hugo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Curitiba / PR | Brazil

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