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Atlantica Maq Ind. E Com. De Máquinas Ltda.

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Since 2012



About Us

With the population growth, it had the necessity of if creating a constructive material that sped the workmanships, thus appearing the Blocks that had been introduced in Brazil in middle of the decade of 40, being used before for the European countries. At this time, the Blocks were confectioned with the rock mixture nº 01, which measured of 10 15 mm of thickness, sand of average granulation and the cement, that is a mixture of (Silicate of Calcium, Aluminum, Sulphate of Calcium, Filer Carbonático and Escória).

The function of the rock is to fill spaces, of the sand is of shape and giving finishing and of the cement, that is to petrify these materials. At this time, however, the rock, the sand and the cement, were mixed and compact in forms manually wooden with wide and settled bolts, thus forming known receding or simply the punctures of the blocks.

With the innovation of the times, techniques of manufacture of blocks had been developed several, as well as vibratory machines and also concrete trucks mixer. Being that the vibratory machines for blocks have the function of through vibration mechanics to accomodate the materials previously mixed, thus forming the blocks. The rotating concrete trucks mixer have the function to mix the materials more quickly, with bigger volumes of load and better quality of final mixture, saving the physical consuming.

Currently we have quarries that in they supply to all the types to them of rocks, also rock “0”, that it also measures of 3 6 mm of thickness and the dust-of-rock, that has thickness of the average sand which has function to give to league between the rock and the cement. These quarries also supply these daily pay-mixed materials, known as pedrisco compound, having only the necessity to add cement.

However, we must take care with the talc-of-rock, therefore this material for being very thin, although to give pretty finishing to the block and to the concrete in general, also it generates great problems, therefore it diminishes the resistance of the same and it finishes causing to cracks and breakings, therefore these fine particles do not leave the material to have the movement of dilatação and contraction.

The modern machines of today manufacture all the sizes and models of blocks, such as: of prohibition, that has the function to close vain between columns, the structural ones, that beyond closing vain, also they set the construction internally through its leaked punctures, the half-blocks, that beyond completing the knotting of the wall, when leaked, they also serve to set columns, the narrow channels and the stocking-narrow channels serve to make the beams, therefore form a “U”, thus facilitating to the rank of chainses and the concrete without wood necessity, have forms in L, narrow channels L, blocks PV, PI. Etc.

The ATLANTIC MAQ is one of the few companies whom it looks to offer to its customers and its consumers, beyond normalized matrices, as norm NBR 8042 of June of 1983 for the ABNT, equipment although simple manuscript, “resistant and of high production”.



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Atlantica Maq Ind. E Com. De Máquinas Ltda.

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  • cement blocks construction cinder block

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  • icone de usuario Marcelo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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