Bahama Trading is a Brazilian business operating on the International stage. Bahama group specialises in the manufacturing and installation of high quality bespoke timber products worldwide, with a customized and dedicated service team set up for any large project.<br><br>We can produce any timber item but primarily we can make and deliver;<br><br>- furniture,<br>- doors, windows, and shutters<br>- kitchens,<br>- exterior timberwork,<br>- roofing<br><br>The Company boasts supervisors and assembly teams, especially trained and experienced in overseas projects, with a long history of satisfied hotels and resorts in many countries.<br><br>
- trading
- installation
- bespoke timber
More about
Bahama Trading Company Ltda.
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Business type
- high quality timber wood products furniture
- doors
- windows
- and shutters kitchens exterior timberwork
- roofing
Contact and location
Rui ********
+55 41********
Curitiba / PA | Brazil