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BCM K Distribuidora

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



About Us

Mission: The company's mission is to generate results, within the ethics and legality, thus meeting the expectations of Customers, Suppliers, Partners and Employees with participation in the results, thus becoming a reference in Paraná in product distribution professional hygiene, in the Industrial and Textile laundry markets, being Hospitals, Hotels, Motels and Clothing Industry, as well as hygiene products aimed at the food industry, such as refrigerators, dairy products and beverages in General. Vision: And they aim to become financially healthy within two years, reinforcing some items of their inventories, which deserve to be highlighted in the ABC sales curve, and strengthen their working capital, seeking safety in their financial and purchasing processes, with greater negotiating power with their suppliers. Values: Its values are: Credibility, Commitment, Valuing Employees, seeking continuous improvement in their processes, and sharing the results with employees, thus seeking the commitment of all and the satisfaction of working in a company , where they can work and live with dignity.

Main Markets

  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • South America



More about
BCM K Distribuidora

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Business type
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • stripe bag
  • disposable masks
  • secant
  • detergent washing machine
  • cap
  • gloves
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario José ********
  • icone de telefone +55 43********
  • map-marker Ibiporã / PA | Brazil

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