The Agripoint specializes in the formation of online communities focused on agribusiness. It has two divisions:<br><br>1. Online Communities: a Agripoint offers a wide range of information on their content portals, news, market analysis, online courses and discussion forums, among other services, with the participation of readers. From this community, the company promotes and organizes events face of great tradition and importance, as Interleite.<br><br>2. Consulting: access to opinion leaders of the sectors in which it operates and participation in various initiatives and events in Brazil and abroad allow the team of analysts to develop specific work Agripoint consulting market trends. Among the services developed by the consulting division include: lectures to companies, consulting on milk and meat markets, market research and studies.<br>
- Abribusiness Consulting agriculture
More about
Beef Point
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Business type
- agribusiness consulting firm
Contact and location
Miguel ********
+55 19********
Piracicaba / SP | Brazil