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Belchior Cortinas E Acessorios Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Established at a decoration market for more than 10 years, Belchior has consolidated its business in Brazilian market, breaking territorial limits, strengthening its brand also abroad.

Wonderful curtains that decorate environments with too much quintessence and sophistication.

Accessories for curtains that besides harmonize the composition, they have a bold and sophisticated design with amazing finishing, introducing a responsible appeal, because they are produced from recycled plastic, showing that it is possible to create products that decorate without damage the environment .

So it is pride reason for Belchior, the gratefulness and the sophistication of its clients, and the dedication and professionalism of all its staff. Supported by these factors, Belchior is always concerned whit the quality of its products, without ignoring the economic appeal that place us among the best of the market.

We have the compromise of follow the trends, develop and produce products that achieve the markets demand of global decoration, guaranteing curtains and accessories with amazing quality and real price, always priorizing for the ready attending to the client, respecting the relationship with all the parts in the business, mainly, concerned with the sustainable development, providing health life for the futures generations.



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Belchior Cortinas E Acessorios Ltda

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Business type

  • curtains
  • recycled plastic
  • decorate

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Alessandra ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker SANTA BÁRBARA D' OESTE / SP | Brazil

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