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Bertin Indústria Comércio E Exportação De Bebidas E Alimentos Ltda.

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Since 2008



About Us

Our brands are the result of more than 100 years of experience and combine tradition and modernity in order to offer one of the finest cachaças made in Brazil.

On March 1st, 1888, Giacomo and Luigia Scherma and their four children, namely Anna Maria, Domenico, Giovanni and Antonio, arrived in Brazil on St. Martino steamship, at the Santos port. Like most Italian immigrants to Brazil, they also headed to the countryside of São Paulo state, in order to work on coffee crops on farms. And that is how the history of a product began; a product that, years later, would become of the best distilled drinks appreciated all over the world.

The Scherma family began producing cachaça, which used to be sold in bulk to relatives, friends and wholesalers who bottled and sold it. That is actually how most large cachaça makers in the Pirassununga region started. The Brazil, Bayu and Schermann cachaças have continuously been made since then and are kept under the same tradition for four generations.

The Schermann family, little by little, added other products to the ones produced in the first distillery, which is still operational to date.

It is also important to highlight that, besides the influence brought by African slaves, the Brazilian cachaça has ben strongly influenced by European distilled drink makers, since those beverages were largely produced and consumed in Europe. The Brazil, Bayu and Schermann brands are the result of more than a hundred years’ experience and the union of tradition and modernity to offer the best cachaças in Brazil.



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Bertin Indústria Comércio E Exportação De Bebidas E Alimentos Ltda.

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Business type

  • alcohol liquor cachaça rum

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Alexandre ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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