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Brasifil Comercial Importadora Exportadora Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Brasif! and a company focused on the concept of creativity and practicality for the personalization and optimization of retail spaces. Our products are justified every time a customer needs information at the point of making a buying decision.

We operate in three fronts:
  • merchandising solutions,
  • pricing and product identification, and
  • the organization of the shelves.

    In these activities. Brasifil is in constant ecolution, both in its product ranges and in its means of producing modern retail solutions that are efficient and economical.

    With a wide international experience, Brasifil implemented the latest merchandising concepts used abroad. Already we are working on new ways to identify and price products by electronic labeling.

    Our products vary: Stands stopper, door nails: Hang tab, tape to tape cross and cross hooks, door features, price setters, organizers, shelves, etc ...

    All our products are easy to move and can be altered according to need, which ensures constant updating of the image projected by the store.

    The motto of Brasifil and "a step forward."

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    More about
    Brasifil Comercial Importadora Exportadora Ltda.

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    Business type

    • personalization and optimization of retail spaces services

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Serge ********
    • icone de telefone +55 11********
    • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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