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Cachaça do Vale

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2023



About Us

The Precious of the Valley In 1913, João Úrsulo Ribeiro Coutinho acquired his first mill and started a family tradition in the sugarcane agroindustry. A secular legacy that is renewed with the birth of Preciosa do Vale, a rare still cachaça, of incomparable quality and that will surprise you with every sip. Today the Cachaça Preciosa do Vale has one of the most modern and well-structured production lines of still cachaça of Paraíba. Crystal Line A 100% cachaça distilled in copper still. She comes out of the still, rests some time in steel still and then goes straight to the bottle, without any external components. Pure and crystalline, it is a cachaça perfect to prepare a caipirinha or take pure ice cream. Umburana Line Cachaça aged in barrels and barrels of Umburana (also known as amburana). The cachaça spends 6 to 8 months resting in these barrels and then a well-balanced blend is made that goes directly to the bottle. Oak Line A blend of aged cachaças in American oak and European oak barrels. An extremely balanced and smooth cachaça, which descends soft, making affection in the throat. Almond, vanilla, honey, coconut and prup notes. Balm Line The traditional line of Preciosa do Vale cachaça arrives with another edition with cachaças stored in Balm wood that guarantees a unique flavor and an incomparable reddish color. Special Blend #1 Selected from Vale Special Blend Nº1 is a special series made with aged cachaças in barrels of 5 noble woods (French Oak, American Oak, Freijó, Umburana and Jequitibá Rosa) so that one complements and emphasizes the flavor of the other ensuring a unique cachaça and a totally differentiated experience. Special Blend #2 Selected from Vale Special Blend Nº2 is a special series of Preciosa do Vale made exclusively with cachaças aged in barrels of Brazilian noble woods (Pau Brasil, Ipê, Jaqueira, Jequitibá Rosa, Umburana, Castanheira and Freijó). A cachaça of differentiated flavor for those who like to experience the unique flavors of our country.

Main Markets

  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe



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Cachaça do Vale

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Cachaça
  • cane brandy
  • still
  • caipirinha
  • Brazil

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Paola ********
  • icone de telefone +55 83********
  • map-marker Sapé / PB | Brazil

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