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Cia. Do Aquário

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

Cia Aquarium is more than 10 years in the business working effectively in the Pet industry, more specifically in the aquarium. It initially worked especially focused on national marine fish export to Asian markets and retail service through our physical store and online.

Feeling the need to bring products that arose in the international market and the difficulty of getting the Brazil marine animals (fish and corals) quality to meet demand sales, Cia Aquarium started a cycle, highly productive, import and it went to work distributing wholesale to other companies in the industry.

Throughout this process two years working Cia Aquarium felt the need to work more productively care wholesale, not only closing partnerships with several important Brazilian stores but also with various international manufacturers, it Cia Aquarium closed care in the retail and began to focus solely on the distribution of marine animals and products to the wholesale market aquarium.

The Cia Aquarius - Wholesale seeks to meet the wholesale Stores Aquarium and Pet Shops found with the best products in the world. That bring the merchant and the hobbyist safe use and especially effective quality in the use of the product , as well as a fair cost-benefit ratio.

In recent years, the big news has appeared, changing and greatly facilitating the aquarium, either freshwater or marine. tried to import and make available in Brazil which is the most modern for this hobby, adding quality and competence to the market in the field of Pet Fish ornamental and aquarium .

Our product line is actually present in the domestic market and is highly recognized not only by companies that market as well as by hobbyists who recognize and seek products that we represent in Brazil.



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Cia. Do Aquário

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Business type

  • Aquarium
  • National Marine ornamental fish

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luiz Filipe
  • icone de telefone +55 21 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ | Brazil

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