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Cia Imp. E Exp. Coimex

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Since 2011



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The holding company Coimex Empreendimentos e Participações (Coimexpar) manages all investments of the Coimex Group. It is through Coimexpar that the Group participates in the shared control of six companies and manages three others where it holds a controlling interest, promoting the Group\s business development on a sustainable and integrated basis.

In all its operations, Coimexpar focuses on transparency and commitment to growth. It establishes the Group\s strategy and seeks the best allocation for the resources in the Group\s multiple spheres of action. Coimexpar is present in state capitals Vitória and São Paulo, and in both sites the main goal is to ensure the return on investment. That is achieved by sharing processes and maintaining a permanent dialogue between shareholders, the board of executive officers and the market.

The holding company also represents the Group\s organizational culture, and aggregates ethical, human and strategic values to the companies in order to maintain their shared identity and synergy. Its presence in all boards of directors allows a strict monitoring of each management, ensuring to shareholders a greater control of the risks inherent to each activity, as well as the highest possible returns on investments.

Coimexpar maintains a clear position in favor of sustainability, and this has the result of fostering social responsibility initiatives, and their inclusion in the strategic plan of every company in the Group. Most of such actions are conducted by the Otacílio Coser Foundation, which manages social and environmental investments for all the Group\s subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and gives a high priority to programs focusing on education, community development, and social mobilization. In addition, the holding company is also a signatory of the Global Compact policy and is committed to the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility, the Junior Achievement organization and the movements "Everyone for Education", "Millennium Development Goals: 8 Ways to Change the World", "Espírito Santo in Action" and "Espírito Santo Community Action".



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Cia Imp. E Exp. Coimex

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Business type

  • trading company
  • logistics
  • export
  • import

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Sergio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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