24 hour taxi services<br><br>At Guarucoop, you can count on special taxi services, with tradition and high service standards 24 hour a day.<br><br>With a fleet of more than 600 taxis, Guarucoop has brand new cars and other vehicles, all of them are high-end models from the major manufacturers.<br><br>It’s a special and differentiated taxi service, with the whole fleet equipped with cool and hot air-conditioner, 4 doors and big luggage room, providing comfort and convenience for passengers during the trip.<br><br>Some vehicles of the fleet are also equipped with GPS, to help the driver to accurately find out the streets and destinations. <br>For the passenger’s safety and to provide service agility, all the drivers have radio transceivers and cell phones in their vehicles.<br>
- 24 hour taxi services
- taxi services in Sao Paulo
More about
Coop Mista De Trab Dos Mot Aut De Taxis Do Mun De Guaru Ltda
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Business type
- taxi in Sao Paulo
- taxi in Brazil
- taxi services
- services for the airport users
- Guarucoop
Contact and location
Edmilson ********
+55 11********