CTHT is a provides business advisory and training services in the hospitality and tourism industries. CTHT is able to realize inventories and public and private diagnostics detecting and analyzing tourist supply and demand, tourist segments and formatting of new products and services. <br><br>Our services consist of Consulting, Advisory and Training on Development of Tourism Reception Area, such as: <br> Inventories Tour; <br> Market studies; <br> Community awareness for tourism;; <br> Strategic Planning for Tourism Development <br> Advice on Development of Tourism Products (in urban and rural areas); <br> Planning and Marketing of tourist destination; <br> Advice for training of Municipal Tourism Council (Comtur); <br> Diagnostic Products; <br> Determination of the Tourist Image Loca; <br> Training and Training for tourism; <br> Feasibility studies of Tourism; <br> Work Physical Planning and Development; <br> Planning for Marketing Product tour.
- tourism tourist hospitality consulting
More about
Ctht Assessoria E Adm. Hotelaria E Turismo S/c Ltda
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Business type
- hotel hospitality tourist tourism
Contact and location
Luiz ********
+55 11********
Mairiporã / SP | Brazil