The Assessment of Dasein Executive Search is an exclusive process of diagnosis of competences, behaviors and potential, with an internationally acknowledged methodology for profile mapping. An image of modernity, transparency and ethics allowing the competence management is awarded to the company.<br><br>What\s the Purpose?<br> To verify and map the set of individuals’ competences or of professionals’ groups of a company;<br> To analyze the adherence of competences of these professionals to the ones required by the organization, regarding current and future potential capacity of the individual.<br><br>What allows it?<br> To understand each individual in its singularity and identify when he’ll be living its best professional moment;<br> To elaborate a professional development program, based on a safe diagnostic reference;<br> Avoid a hasty recruitment or demission;<br> To provide the inputs necessary for the leaders’ succession and development plans;<br> To direct in a customized way the investment in training, detecting common group needs;<br> To detect Coaching, Mentoring or Counseling needs;<br> To reinforce the commitment by means of stimulus to self-management;<br> To identify the high potential professionals, generating an internal talent database.<br><br>When to use it?<br> Can be applied in internal selection processes, with the purpose of promotion, mapping competences or relocation, conducted by the organizations;<br> Can be applied in external selection processes, for new recruitments.
- assessment map the set of diagnosis of competences
- behaviors and potential
- with an internationally acknowledged methodology for profile mapping
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Dasein Executive Search
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- executive search recruitment headhunter assessment coach coaching careers firm management
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