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Dataprom Equipamentos E Serviços De Informática Industrial

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Since 2012



Electronic Ticketing System


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The Dataprom Electronic Ticketing System utilizes the most advanced software and hardware technology developed through its own continual research by its team specialized in transportation technology. <br><br>Another difference of the Dataprom Electronic Ticketing System is the ability to customize each system for any city, as it can attend to the local necessities and laws, which makes it the most flexible and efficient Electronic Ticketing System in its area. <br><br>The Dataprom Electronic Ticketing System validator is one of the most integral pieces of equipment in the market and can be operated as a computer circuit board installed with GPS and/or GPRS/GSM technology. Thus, enabling the benefits of information technology to be applied to the management of credits and supervision of collective transportation utilization. <br><br>In its history, Dataprom has had more than 4,000 commercialized validators which have served more than 15 municipalities, including 4 capitals (Curitiba-PR, Manaus-AM, São Luís-MA and Palmas-TO). It has generated more than 1.7 million smart cards for all user types, such as: students, free passes, transport token and common users. It records about 5 million transactions per day.<br><br>

  • Electronic Ticketing System
  • software and hardware



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Dataprom Equipamentos E Serviços De Informática Industrial

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  • intelligent technology solutions
  • excellent policies

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Maria ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Curitiba / PA | Brazil

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