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Dwa - Tecnology Imp. E Exp. Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Founded in 1991, based in Fortaleza - Brazil, the FUJITEC has begun its operations providing and developing intelligent solutions in embedded systems and smartcards applications.

During this time, FUJITEC has made a lot of investment in high technology, developing products and solutions for transport and traffic areas.

Beyond AFC systems, during 19 years of success and constant growth, FUJITEC has developed projects in the following areas: card management system (electronic purse systems), embedded systems, biometric systems (face recognize), bus video monitoring and tracking.

Since 2000, the FUJITEC is a ISO9001 company certified in providing smartcard applications. It was the first and, until now, the unique Brazilian company in the segment to have this certificate. As a AFC solution provider, FUJITEC was also approved in Denver, USA for the supply of systems for that city. Furthermore, its electronic equipment to its AFC solution is approved by the U.S. FCC. Technologically, the company has important partnership in cryptography and smartcard technology and digital certification systems with the American and Brazilian universities.

The company also has a high technical team and invests in technologic know-how. In Brazil, FUJITEC provides AFC systems for cities such as Natal, Extremoz, Ceará-Mirim, Araguaina, among others, having already issued on their systems more than 2 million smartcards. Security and biometric applications are others Fujitec solutions. In addition the company operates as a systems integrator, providing solutions to the private and public sectors.



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Dwa - Tecnology Imp. E Exp. Ltda

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Business type

  • systems and smartcards applications
  • transport and traffic areas
  • card management system (electronic purse systems)
  • embedded systems
  • biometric systems (face recognize)
  • bus video monitoring and tracking
  • Security and biometric applications
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Flávio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 85********
  • map-marker Fortaleza / CE | Brazil

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