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Estação Gráfica

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



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About Us

Estação Gráfica was founded in April 1996 in order to fill a gap left in the graph market of Brasilia: the direct support and personalized customer service through the management of graph services .
The goal from the beginning was to increase the synergy between our partners and suppliers in order to offer the best service to our customers. The recognition came in 1997 with the first prize Aberje for Corporate Communication.
As a consequence, the company opens its graph park and its first branch, promoting the expansion of the productive capacity and opening up space for more personalized service.
In 2008, with the arrival of the Roland color printer EOB 4, the services produced by Estação Gráfica become standard of quality and efficiency in the graph market of Brasilia.
Today's customers of Estação Gráfica | have access to a variety of services such as prepress, printing and finishing. Since the conception of the product, the customer has the experience of receiving free graphic advisory from our consultants, receiving guidance from the creation of the graphic design, elaboration of layouts, electronic publication, confection of ctp (computer-to-plate) and digital evidence to printing last generation of off-set system and finishing services in general.
Monitoring with the creative teams, production and suppliers is rigorous and constant. The best alternatives for each customer are analyzed in order to maximize the gains in cost-benefit of each work performed to provide the best final product with maximum customer value. All this with the assurance that the service will be delivered on time.
The company's website is an important channel of direct communication with our customers, partners and suppliers in this process. Here you will find tips to optimize graphic production, asks for quotations and send your files to print, plus find out the news about the industry.
Do not waste time. Use our services and find out the difference of having graphic advisory specialized in meeting your needs and optimizing your projects.



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Estação Gráfica

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200K - 500K

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Business type

  • printing
  • books
  • magazines
  • pamphlets
  • folders
  • poster
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Nilo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 61********
  • map-marker Brasilia / DF | Brazil

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