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GUARANTOR FIDEBANK The evolution of trade has always been constant, integrating the world in economic terms. The Contract, in turn, is the instrument of circulation of wealth from one asset to another, and its celebration is surrounded by certain social, political, economic, technological and legislative circumstances that must be thought of by the parties when they hire. Since 1993 FIDEBANK GARANTIDORA has been innovating in cash flow financing and ensuring the business development of our customers. Get to know our main services: Fidejussor Bail Letter Fidejussor Bail Letter Market Promotion Market Promotion Credit Management and Risk Analysis Credit Management and Analysis of Risks Consulting and advising companies, national and international Consulting and advising companies, national and international Intermediation and Acquisitions of Non-Financial Assets Intermediation and Acquisitions of Non-Financial Assets Fidejussor guarantees for Acquisitions and Mergers (M&A) Fidejussor guarantees for Acquisitions and Mergers (M&A) Hedging, New Hedging, New Guarantees in the Form of the Bidding Law, Art. 56, §1, I and §2º Guarantees in the Form of the Bidding Law, Art. 56, §1, I and §2. FIDEBANK GARANTIDORA is an institution that operates offering Fidejussorous Guarantees to its clients, enabling, from solid and diversified ballast subscribed in its capital, the coverage of possible indemnifier losses, resulting from the materialization of contingencies that occurred during the execution of contracts for business holdings, structuring of enterprises or execution of operations, in various segments and branches of activity.  Useful Links About Us Services Applicability Be a Guarantor Bail Letters Be Our Broker Register Articles Welcome to fidebank's GUARANTEEWEBSITE The evolution of trade has always been constant, integrating the world in economic terms. The Contract, in turn, is the instrument of circulation of wealth from one asset to another, and its celebration is surrounded by certain social, political, economic, technological and legislative circumstances that must be thought of by the parties when they hire. However, it is precisely these circumstances that the risk arises! In the process of creating each contract, its participants are involved in an achievement that typically translates a specific economic and legal operation. And when analyzing the relationship of the contract with the market, it is therefore at stake a certain economic constitution that establishes the structural assumptions of this – the Contract, which regulates its mode of operation. Therefore, bail fulfills the idea of ensuring the obligation, its compliance, and in this expectation causes security in the negotiation of legal relations, and this is because contractors seek legal certainty of relations in the possibility of knowing and predicting exactly the consequences of their acts before the implementation and inadimplementof the contract. It turns out that Brazil, even parading among the eight largest economies in the world, walks slowly when the theme are Guarantees of Contractual Obligations. And for the notion, only public contracts that undergo the Bidding Law (Law 8666/93) have the power to demand from the winning bidder a guarantee that the contract will be fulfilled. However, in the context of contracts between private companies, much still needs to be advanced, or rather needs to be understood and disseminated by managers, because if on the one hand the Bidding Law instructs the public manager to demand guarantees from companies contracted for execution of works or services, in the private sector managers still face the tense path of "reciprocity", which is an entity based on the bureaucratic and excessive requirement, banking market. In this respect, every entrepreneur or managing/financial director knows and, veilably, abhors the practice of requirements with which banks address proposals for the granting of Bank Bail. Strict internal and external standards, including the Basel Agreement Regulatory List, an institute present in the world to guide and give parameters to credit supply, make Bank Bail a credit, the risk of which significantly compromises the rating of the shipowner and thus, when credit does not make credit impossible, it increases its fees and fees to other financing lines. The insurance market, in turn, also finds limited space in the face of the growing outcry of the productive and service sector, because insurers cannot simply offer the Warranty Insurance product, without there being a strict framework for Susep's standards and, mainly, the parameters they define and accept in reinsurance contracts. In a way, they end up plastering the limits (economic/financial) necessary for companies to be able to award a larger number of contracts. And it is in this limited environment that FIDEBANK GARANTIDORA presents itself as a solution option. As one of the guarantees options available in the market, we seek to adapt our operations so that they can serve customers from the issuance of Fidejusssória Sbail Letters, supported by the Brazilian Civil Code, our Net Worth of R$ 1,500,000,000.00 (one billion and five hundred million reais), and a mix of assets from third partner partners, which quadruple our guaranteed operating capacity. This form of bail is widely accepted by the market, because the Lender is always supported by the company's assets and assets. Within this same legal configuration, that is, by focusing on its asset mix, FIDEBANK GARANTIDORA has come to be claimed in many demands, which for obvious reasons end up staying out of the service of banks and insurers, given the high costs and approval criteria, which in most cases are treated absolutely inflexiblely. Hence our biggest proposal: to fill the gaps left by banks and insurers, and offer legal certainty, a solid and diversified guarantor ballast, and direct and flexible service, always seeking to understand to meet the nuances of each contract, evaluating the risks inherent in the proposals in four hands, enabling emissions of Fidejusssium Bail Letters, with competitive rates or through profit sharing, in the case of mergers and acquisitions, among others. If your company's need is to secure contracts, we at FIDEBANK GARANTIDORA will be delighted to hear you and offer the most appropriate solution. Bring your contract to FIDEBANK GUARRA. Access one of our communication channels and be our customer.

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  • map-marker Barra da Tijuca / RJ | Brazil

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