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Flávia M. F. Camargo Comércio de Suplementos Cerebrais

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2021



About Us

The company Dr. Neuron was born from my desire to bring mental and emotional health directly to people and wherever they were, I am a psychologist specializing in trauma stems and neurobiological lines, such as neurofeedback (electrode therapy) and I understand concretely in brain mappings that our brain is not following excess technology and stress, and unfortunately today, we do not consume the minimum necessary vitamins and minerals for the brain and intestine to manufacture the neurotransmitters responsible by our emotions and cognitions, in addition to brain balance, so we have the desire to contribute directly to the emotional and mental quality of life of the population through nootropics in capsules and soon we will launch a line of teas also focused on the same goal (mental and emotional health) and then the line of chocolates also with the same goal.

Main Markets

  • South America



More about
Flávia M. F. Camargo Comércio de Suplementos Cerebrais

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100K - 200K

Sales volume (USD)

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Not informed




Business type
  • Retailer

  • Nootropics
  • mental health
  • emotional health
  • wellness
  • brain

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Flávia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 48********
  • map-marker Avaré / SP | Brazil

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