Tourism is one of the world’s best performing industries, growing by more than 4\% a year. Such growth is mainly due to increase in life expectancy worldwide. Millions of retirees and the elderly with spare time and generous amounts of disposable income are looking for places with agreeable climate, welcoming host people and well-catered-for tourism or a second residence.<br><br>Brazil is increasingly becoming one of the most attractive destinations for European and North American tourists. The flow of foreign visitors has grown by almost 10.5\% a year over the last decade. Approximately 45\% of them are on vacation. <br><br>This flow has stimulated the demand for adequate tourist services, leading to improvements in infra-structure, the quality of accommodations, leisure options, better restaurants and shopping facilities, which in turn stimulate more tourism in a virtuous circle.<br><br>In the context of a clearly expanding market, the Brazilian tourism industry presents exceptional investment opportunities with highly attractive of return. <br>
- Tourism
- market
- Brazil
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Gold Sea Participações S/a
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Business type
- investment company
- tourism sector
- Northeast of Brazil
Contact and location
Alexandre ********
+55 41********
Curitiba / PA | Brazil