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Hebei Tianao Technology Co.,Ltd

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Unit Price:

USD 10,00

FOB Price:

Not informed

Minimum Order Quantity:

1 Metric Ton

Type of Payment:

L/C (Letter of Credit)

T/T (Wire Transfer)

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Not informed


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CAS 472-61-7
Introduction Astaxanthin is a ketone or carotenoid, pink in color, fat-soluble, insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents. It is widely found in the biological world, especially in the feathers of aquatic animals such as shrimp, crabs, fish and birds, and plays a role in coloring. Astaxanthin is a non-vitamin A source of carotenoids that cannot be converted into vitamin A in animals. Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble and water-soluble pigment that exists in marine organisms such as shrimp, crabs, salmon, and algae, and the human body cannot synthesize astaxanthin on its own. It is the strongest antioxidant in nature. Its antioxidant activity is 550 times that of vitamin E and 10 times that of β-carotene, so it is called the "king of antioxidants"!
Physiological function and function: Astaxanthin is a chain breaking antioxidant, with strong antioxidant capacity, which can remove NO2, sulfide, disulfide, etc., and can also reduce lipid peroxidation, effectively inhibiting lipid peroxide astaxanthin caused by free radicals. It is reported that this product has many physiological effects such as inhibiting tumorigenesis, enhancing immunity, and scavenging free radicals in the body, and has a good therapeutic effect on skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays, and also has a preventive effect on eye diseases caused by diabetes, and has broad application prospects in health care products, medicine, cosmetics, food additives and aquaculture.
Application field: At present, astaxanthin is mainly used as a functional pigment in aquaculture, food, cosmetics and other fields, mainly used as a feed additive for fish, shrimp and crab and other crustaceans and poultry, to improve the reproductive ability and survival rate of livestock, poultry and fish, improve health status, and optimize body color and meat quality. Natural astaxanthin has been used as a food additive in the coloring, preservation and nutrition enhancement of food. Studies have shown that astaxanthin helps preserve the freshness of trout fillets. In recent years, with the deepening of astaxanthin's biological function research and pharmacological and pharmacodynamic experiments, astaxanthin has received great attention from the scientific community because of its effects in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, ophthalmic diseases, skin diseases and other diseases, indicating that astaxanthin has great potential application value and broad development prospects in the fields of medicine and health care products.

  • Food additives
  • cosmetic raw materials
  • feed additives

Production Capacity:


Delivery Timeframe:

Depends on Size of Order


CFR - Cost and Freight

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight

EXW - Ex Works

FOB - Free on Board

Packaging Details:

Not informed

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Hebei Tianao Technology Co.,Ltd

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Other

  • SLES
  • AOS 38%
  • Detergent Raw Material

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Emma Zhang
  • icone de telefone +86 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker Shijiazhuang / Hebei | China
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