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Inter Link Do Brasil Ind. E Com. De Móveis Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Tradition and innovation are key terms that interact directly in a modern company. We’re rightly proud that we have something unique to offer in both disciplines. In 2010 we were able to look back on a 50-year company history that records our progress from a small carpenter’s workshop to a globally active furniture manufacturer and designer.

On the road to the market position we now occupy, we have regularly demonstrated our sure sense of innovation and for products with practical relevance.

As manufacturer and importer of ready-to-assemble-products we offer around 300 different products for all areas of life. You can buy Inter Link products at more than 6,000 sales outlets worldwide.



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Inter Link Do Brasil Ind. E Com. De Móveis Ltda.

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Business type

  • Inter Link do Brasil Ind. e Com. de Móveis Ltda.
  • furniture manufacturer and designer

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Márcia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker SÃO BENTO DO SUL / SC | Brazil

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