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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2018



About Us

About to complete 21 YEARS of activities, the JAVALI industry has much to celebrate. Currently it is considered the largest leather jackets factory in Brazil and one of the main brands in the segment. During its trajectory it has been conquering partners in several states of Brazil and through these partnerships becomes more and more recognized in its area of ​​performance. Located in the city of Tapejara, in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, it is a family business that started its activities in 1998 in a small establishment that served as a gateway for the venture to gain space in the market and the TRUST of its consumers and partners. With the passage of time it was growing and consolidating in the market and today it glimpses a full moment in its development. For years, the company's main bet is the LEATHER JACKETS, considered classic pieces that never go out of style. They are extremely versatile items that make up visuals from casual to formal in any season. With a wide variety of models of women's and men's leather jackets, JAVALI also markets accessories such as belts, wallets, executive briefcases and backpacks with their own brand known for QUALITY and DURABILITY. The differentiated raw material is bovine leather from national tanneries and certified by the Leather Working Group (LWG) with the classification OURO, British organization responsible for the analysis and certification of good environmental practices in tanneries around the world. The leather used is part of a sustainable cycle that begins with the creation and slaughter of herds to supply the food chain. This process results in by-products such as leather, which can be used in the production of jackets, which guarantees the SUSTAINABILITY of the business, giving confidence and credibility to the brand. The concern with quality, concept and image make JAVALI a reference in the field. From the raw material to the finalization, the whole process is carried out with the affection that the pieces deserve, after all it's been almost two decades giving consumers the thrill and pleasure of wearing JAVALI LEATHER JACKETS.

Main Markets

  • South America



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10M - 50M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Leather jacket
  • leather jacket
  • genuine leather

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario ROMULO ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker TAPEJARA / RS | Brazil

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