We are a full service brokerage and consulting company with focus on real estate business. There is an important market for property investment if we consider the city of Natal and surroundings as one of the World Cup 2014 host and tourism location. Many projects are under implementation to fit FIFA requirements. <br><br>So, the Brazilian Government is pouring a lot of money to improve mobility and comfort for a large number of visitors. There will be a new stadium as well. <br><br>Natal is an important strategic city and we have a huge hub for airfreight and passengers logistics under construction. It might be the fourth largest airport in the world. <br><br>Be welcome!
- Real Estate Consulting Services in NATAL
More about
Joeaquino Real Estate Consultants
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Business type
- real estate investment natal acquisition consultants advisory
Contact and location
Joe ********
+55 84********
Natal / RN | Brazil