TICHĖ, differently from most of the water extracted in whole Europe because of its calcium sulphate, i.e., naturally alkaline water with a pH of 7.6-7.8. This means that drinking alkaline water, the body pH normalizes, the body itself gets more oxygen and purifies itself better. Therefore we say that TICHĖ is LIVING water.
It is extracted from a spring in the depth of 689 metres - the water in such depth preserves its pure primordial state, as it was created by nature thousands of years ago.
Of medium immutable mineralization (1378 mg/l) - it is not necessary to dilute.
Water is the basis of the daily nutrition pyramid. Adults should drink at least 8 glasses on a daily basis. If blood - the most important vital body fluid - lacks calcium, kalium, natrium or magnesium, it takes them from other organs, e.g. bones. While drinking 1 litre of TICHĖ will provide you with 20% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium and 16% of magnesium.<br />
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TICHE mineral water is highest quality, attractive desing and bottled in unique bottles, could be your first choise while deciding which product to work with.
- "Water"
- "Mineral water"
- "Natural mineral water"
- "Sparkling mineral water"
Production Capacity:
0,33 / 0,5 / 1 / 2 Liters.
Delivery Timeframe:
Within 30 Days
EXW - Ex Works
Packaging Details:
Not informed
More about
JSC Baltic mineral water company
1M - 2M
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- "Natural mineral water"
- "Mineral water"
- "Water"
- "Soft drinks"
Contact and location
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+370 6********
Telsiai / Telsiai | Lithuania