Highly concentrated fragrance with pheromones the hormone of pleasure. These perfumes with pheromone possess a characteristic that differs from any other perfume: they cause feelings of sexual attraction and desire in the opposite sex, that is, they can awaken the libido of the woman who is close to a man wearing a perfume with Pheromonium Activator. And because pheromones are natural to the human body itself, it is not possible to realize that it is under the influence of the hormone, because they cause an identical reaction to what a person would have if they were in a daily situation of feeling physical attraction by another person.
- Feelin
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Depends on Size of Order
FOB - Free on Board
Packaging Details:
Not informed
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Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Business Service
- Distributor / Wholesaler
- Entrepreneurial
Contact and location
Angelica ********
+55 94********
Tucuruí / PA | Brazil