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Since 2019



About Us

ALESSANDROSABA - Industry and Trade of Liquors and Soft Drinks Ltda, based in the City of Ibiporã (next to the City of Londrina) - State of Paraná - Brazil, a company created on January 28, 2014 and with its products duly certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply on May 31, 2016. ALESSANDROSABA - Liquor and Soft Drink Industry and Trade Ltda produces six types of Italian handmade liqueurs: Limoncello and Crema de Limoncello, Arancello and Crema de Arancello, Mandarinello and Better Than Sex (orange with chocolate) all of them made with natural ingredients, without preservatives, without essences and without dyes, manufactured by hand, conferring a refined and authentic taste having the balance and quality of raw materials to create the perfect flavor. Our Liqueurs are handmade with fruit peel, all imported from Chile and Uruguay (fruits from these countries contain a lower acidity), with extremely striking taste and a retrotaste of the fruit, considered a liquid sweet and without any addition of Essence. Everything is produced by our partner and chef Alessandro Saba, Italian born in Sardegna currently living in Brazil and one of the few to receive the OSPITALITÀ ITALIANA award in its restaurants, this award offered by Camera Italo-Brasiliana di Commercio e Industry that is a quality certification program of Italian restaurants in Brazil, where this brand is located the Italian quality will be present. The bottle used for the filling of 750 ml liqueurs is Mahe, Verallia's Premium Selective Line, Verallia's Premium Selective Line line, Verallia's Premium Bottle Line is developed and manufactured in France. With unique design, they are produced with extra white glass and differ from everything that already exists in the domestic market. Elegant, creative and produced within the strictest and most modern quality standards.

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe



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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Liqueurs
  • Limoncello
  • Natural
  • Crema
  • fruit
  • essence
  • ingredients
  • handmade
  • handmade
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Régis ********
  • icone de telefone +55 43********
  • map-marker Ibiporã / PA | Brazil

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