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Since 2009



About Us

Lorenzetti SA a Brazilian company with 80 years of experience in the manufacture of electrical appliances for residences and industries.

Headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil, we have exported our products to over 40 countries on five continents.

Lorenzetti policy of foreign trade is based on confianamtua and work for the development of local markets and to establish a healthy relationship with our representatives / distributors.

Brazil's 1920 underwent a major transformation as a result of his industrializaoe immigration, immigrants, mainly Italians and Spaniards, who took a chance throughout America - they were willing to work and rebuild their lives apsa warravaged Europe.

Brothers Lorenzo and EGnio arrived in Brazil in the early 1920s, to continue the work begun by his father, Alessandro Lorenzetti, who modestly created a company that is currently one of the largest firm of electrical equipment and of household appliances in the industry, Lorenzetti SA Eletrometalrgicas Brazilian industries.

The Tonanni & Lorenzetti partnership operated in the screw industry precisoe had just four employees and automticos lathes.

Since the end of the 1920s and 1930 on the company also operates in ways designed industry, manufacturing, manutenoe assembly of industrial machines. Under the license of an Italian company that began producing porcelain for low voltage electrical material.

Lorenzetti always participated in social policy and thvida city and helped rebuild the manufacture of weapons and pieces of ammunition to troops in São Paulo during the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932.

During adcada 1930, Lorenzetti developed and manufactured porcelain insulators and accessories for hard lines of power transmission and innovated the manufacturing for the first time in South America known as the resin " Bakelite "used for household and industrial facilities.

In the same period, trifsicos manufactured electric motors.

In the 1940s:

Because of gasoline shortages, during the period between the wars Lorenzetti developed coal based devices to run the motor. This type of dispositivo became known as gasogeneand was installed in automotive vehicles as petrol alternativaa.

The beginning of the 1940s were marked by the production of high pressoe hidrulicas floating pumps for deep wells. The company expanded commercially in South America in recent years of the decade.

In the 1950s and 1960s decade:

The start of production of the automatic electric shower was a milestone in the history of Lorenzetti - who became the company's main product from the decade of 1950. In the following years the line was expanded with the production of taps and electric heaters.

With an eye to the future, has expanded its operation in early 1960 by the manufacturing of new household appliances and materials for high voltage. In the 1970s and 1980s:

During adcada 1970, Lorenzetti released his first shower of plastic, "New Dcha" which started a new generation of plastic showers.

In the early 1980s, combining quality and price, launched a product that would produce the leadership of the company in the following years: Maxi Shower. Based on advanced technology, adcada during 1970 and 1980 designed and manufactured products extra high voltage (at 800 kV), which are installed at major substations in the country, as Itaipu, Xing Tucuru and Furnas.

The 1990's and 2000:

In early 1990, Lorenzetti innovates once Lanar the first eletrnicas showers: Master Jet and Turbo Jet with built pressurizer. In the late 1990s heags heaters launched, in search of new sources of energy and begin a new era toward full satisfaction during rain expe



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Business type

  • water heaters
  • water filters
  • metal fittings
  • sanitaryware
  • electric shower heater

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Claudio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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