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Since 2024



About Us

Welcome to a new experience, filled with 34 years of stories, achievements, dreams and achievements We are Artefamol, a tubular furniture industry that started its activities in July 1990, for 6 years we have been part of the fabone group, one of the largest industry groups in the segment. We are located in the city of Arapongas in the State of Paraná, with an industrial park of more than 9,000m³. Our goal is to manufacture products with high quality standards, leading you customers to achieve great business opportunities. With one of the largest product mix in the segment, we have the most varied sets of dining tables, wardrobes and racks and multipurpose. We already serve the entire national territory and now we want to break barriers by taking our products to other parts of the world. We seek to provide a quality customer service, and for this to happen, we have a team of more than 350 internal and external employees spread throughout Brazil, All our team constantly trained with courses, lectures and technical training to achieve a unique experience for each of you, dear customers

Main Markets

  • Asia
  • North America
  • South America



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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Dining room sets
  • tubular
  • chairs
  • tables
  • multipurpose
  • fruit bowls
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Maria ********
  • icone de telefone +55 43********
  • map-marker Arapongas / PR | Brazil

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