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Since 2012



About Us

MIRVI BRASIL was created in 1999 to supply the domestic and the South American market with high quality plastic caps and covers , chiefly for the food industry, implementing in Brazil all the technology of our parent company Betapack.

Betapack, a Spanish company enjoying international recognition for the quality of their plastic caps and covers, has been present for 20 years in the European market and stands out for quick response to a great variety of products (all in the food industry) at high competitive markets and compliance with all worldly established norms.

MIRVI BRASIL has installed capacity for a production output of 160 million plastic caps and covers units per month, presently tending to the olive oil, vinegar and spices market.

MIRVI BRASIL counts upon an exclusive I&D Department (Innovation and Development), directed to the needs of each and every customer. For that, among other reasons, MIRVI BRASIL holds a leading position in the market of plastic caps for oil, being the largest company in this field in Latin America. Forthcoming investments will turn to the mineral water and soda segments.



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Business type

  • plastic
  • cps
  • cover
  • mirvi
  • mirvi brasil

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Adriane ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker CABREUVA / SP | Brazil

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