More about
M & R Ltda. - Casas Curitiba
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Business type
- Casas Curitiba
- home
- cabin
- office
- recreation room or cabana
- precut
- prefab hardwood homes
- simple carport
- a one bedroom cabin of 35 sq. meters
- a 200 sq. meter 4 bedroom home
- a 1
- 000 square meter or larger hotel/motel complex
- Brazilian hardwoods
- Wood Kit includes all of the hardwood for your home
- including walls
- solid hardwood floors
- doors & windows--precut and ready to assemble. With the Finishing Kit
- you will have a Spanish Tile roof
- ceramic tiles for all walls & floors of kitchens and baths
- Wooded
- concreted and modern design houses Ver Mais
Contact and location
Pedro ********
+55 41********
Campo Largo / PA | Brazil