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Since 2020



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Cachaçaria Companheira® was founded by a chemical engineer called Natanael Carli Bonicontro, after a laboratory classroom experience. It was passion at first sight that motivated him to perfect himself in the art of producing such a tasty drink. In 1994, he began his journey by designing and building a mill he created by himself. Such mill was idealized exclusively for the production of Cachaça Companheira®. “Cachaças” are elaborated by a unique standardized distillation process. Sugarcane, its raw material, has a totally manual cultivation, from planting to harvest, in a region where water and good land, combined with a favorable climate, provides a greater augmentation in the excellence of its quality. The sum of these factors made Companheira® stand out amongst the best “cachaças” of Brazil. There are more than 20 awards won by Companheira® in the most prestigious distillate contests around the world, such as the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles [World Contest in Brussels], Expocachaça [Exhibition] and the Cachaça Summit Ranking. Awards 2019 Cachaça Companheira Gatinha® • Silver Medal - Cacharitiba - Curitiba/PR ________________________________________ 2018 Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 4 years • Gold Medal – Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles - Plovdiv/Bulgaria. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 8 years • Double Gold - Concours Mondial de Bruxelles - Brazilian Edition • 3rd place in the III Cachaça Summit Ranking. Cachaça Companheira Imburana® • Silver medal - Concours Mondial de Bruxelles - Brazilian Edition. Cachaça Companheira Gatinha® • Gold Medal - Belo Horizonte/MG 2016 Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 8 years • Gran Gold – Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, 14th Edition of the National Contest for Fine Wines and Distillated Products CMB Brazil • Gold Medal – Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles – Tequila/Mexico. • 3rd place in the III Cachaça Summit Ranking. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 4 years • Silver Medal - Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles - Tequila/Mexico. • Silver Medal - Belo Horizonte/MG Cachaça Companheira Imburana® • Bronze Medal - Belo Horizonte/MG ________________________________________ 2015 Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 8 years • 5th place in the VIP Magazine Ranking. Cachaça Companheira Imburana® • Silver Medal – Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles – Brazilian Edition. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 8 years • Gold Medal – Expocachaça - Occasion when we were recognized as Cachaça Producers of the Year in 2014, for having obtained the highest score and the largest number of medals in the four contests promoted by the event. • Silver Medal - Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, Brazilian Edition - Florianópolis /SC. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium - aged in oak for 4 years • Silver Medal - Expocachaça - Belo Horizonte/MG Cachaça Companheira Prata® • Silver Medal - Expocachaça - Belo Horizonte/MG Cachaça Companheira Imburana® • Silver Medal - Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, Brazilian Edition – Florianópolis/SC • Outstood amongst the top 10 in Brazil in the Cachaça Summit Ranking. 2013 • Outstood amongst the 12 best aged cachaças of Brazil in the VIP Magazine Ranking – July Edition in 2013. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium, aged in oak for 8 years • Gold Medal - Expocachaça Dose Dupla [exhibition] at the Municipal Market of São Paulo / SP. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium aged in oak for 4 years • Gold Medal - Expocachaça Dose Dupla [exhibition] at the Municipal Market of São Paulo / SP. Cachaça Companheira Imburana® • Bronze Medal - Expocachaça Dose Dupla [exhibition] at the Municipal Market of São Paulo / SP. ________________________________________ 2012 Cachaça Companheira Prata® • Bronze Medal - Expocachaça Dose Dupla [exhibition] at the Municipal Market of São Paulo / SP. PRODUCTS Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium Oak 8 years The unmatched flavor cachaça, aged for 8 years in oak barrels. It is aging in oak that brings the accented flavor and bouquet. Marked presence of vanilla, tobacco, banana notes and dry fig. With pleasant and moderate hind-taste with persistence. Aged for 8 years in oak. Content 700ml / 40% in Vol. Cachaça Companheira® Extra Premium Oak 4 years Pleasant cachaça, with soft notes of vanilla, aged for 4 years in oak barrels. • Limpid golden-yellow coloration. • Aroma: sweet - fruity (guarana) – woody (caramel). • Tastes: sweet, plum, vanilla. • Feeling: velvety. • Retro-taste: pleasant and moderate - caramel. Aged for 4 years in oak barrels. Content 700ml / 40% in Vol. Cachaça Companheira Prata® Delicate aroma and soft taste cachaça, suitable for demanding palates. Stored in stainless steel tanks. Contents 500ml / 40% in Vol. Cachaça Companheira Imburana® Cachaça of Imburana [Amburana cearensis] woody flavor and aroma aggregated to the soul and essence of sugarcane. Stored for 2 years in Imburana barrels Contents 500ml / 40% in Vol. Cachaça Companheira Castanheira® Cachaça of straw-yellow color, velvety texture, slightly sweetened, bringing the presence of soft notes of chestnuts and fresh fruits. Perfect for special moments. Stored for 2 years in Chestnut barrels Contents 500ml / 40% in Vol. Cachaça Companheira Gatinha® This Cachaça was already born awarded. An extraordinary blend of woods, the perfect encounter between old world oak and what there is best in Brazil. Blend of Woods: Aged for 4 years in oak barrels Stored for 2 years in Imburana barrels Stored in stainless steel tanks. Contents 500ml / 40% in Vol. Check Values Fill in the form to receive quotations. NAME: E-mail: Telephone number: Address (country, city): Company Name: Message: Send: Official Website: Check out the content of our website in full. CLICK HERE Social Network / Social Media Cachaça Companheira® is present in several social networking sites. Follow, enjoy and share our contents. Learn all about the latest scoop and keep a direct contact with us.

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  • cachaca
  • cachaça
  • distillate
  • drink

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  • icone de usuario SARA ********
  • icone de telefone +55 44********
  • map-marker JANDAIA DO SUL / PA | Brazil

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