The NATIVE Industry Ltda., began its activities in 1987, when it was founded by pharmacists-Biochemicals formed by the University of São Paulo (USP), determined to broaden the knowledge and popularize the use of natural products in Brazil, in order to make more healthy way of life of the people.And from the start the NATIVE made the quality a commitment.The production of each item is carefully monitored, so that each of the products offered will always be the best.Was leaving this principle that the NATIVE has developed the entire product line, from the fantastic Natural food supplements to the aplaudidíssima your Cosmetic Line, today present in all Brazil.Currently, its products are exported to many countries, such as United States, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Korea, China and even for the Latvia, among others. Among the NATIVE Products used in various countries of the world could highlight: the mushroom Agaricus blazei, Guarana, propolis Shampoo, Rosehip Oil, in addition to several natural foods.Within this global scenario, the NATIVE brings to Brazil, there are more than 10 years, featured international products, including beauty products imported from Korea, following the world fever "K-Beauty", as masks and facial adhesive. In addition, the NATIVE is the more traditional distributor of Rosehip Oil, whose raw material is produced in Chile, a product that stands out for your quality and purity.