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Powdermix Equipamentos Para Laboratorios Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

Powder Mix is a company specialising in the production of mixing equipment for the pharmaceutical industry.

Our Mission

Powder Mix’s goal is to develop new products to aid the pharmacist in the compounding of mixtures in laboratories and meet the needs of this market.

Our products

The Removable Mixer in the "Y" format, used in mixing powders up to 5 liters (1.32 gal). Upon adding porcelain balls, it acts as if it was a ball grinder and it can be easily changed.

Disposable Mixer and Grinder, it is a system of mixing powder which joins a “Y” shaped mixture commonly used in the chemical industry with a high-frequency vibrator. Its capsule is made of disposable PET material, the least toxic of all plastics, and can directly be used as receiving for weighing on the scale, turning weighing process easier.

Vibratory base to be used in any kind of encapsulation, including the semi-automatic ones, fixed in the table by two suction pads, digital adjustment of eight intensities of vibration three adjustments of vibration time (3,4,5 seconds) and it´s activated by a foot control.

Please contact us for further information and our team of pharmacists will be more than happy to assist you.

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Main Markets

  • South America



More about
Powdermix Equipamentos Para Laboratorios Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • BDB laboratory products manipulation / compounding pharmacies
  • The Removable Mixer
  • Disposable Mixer and Grinder in the "Y" format
  • Vibratory base
  • Powdermix - Laboratory Products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Christiane ********
  • icone de telefone +55 55********
  • map-marker Santos / SP | Brazil

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