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Sanrisil S.a. Industria E Comercio

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

SANRISIL is a Brazilian company with international quality and safety standards in the supplying of natural extracts for food, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.

With a state-of-the-art plant that meets the international quality standards, Sanrisil has been operating for over 60 years, offering an extensive Line of Natural Extracts while respecting the environment and preserving the spirit of continuous growth.

Our products are obtained from carefully selected and effectively controlled raw material that meets the most diverse segments of the Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Industries.

Sanrisil offers specific solutions, as well as, all the technical support required thanks to a highly skilled team that keeps a close eye on global trends and develops new concepts that apply to our clients’ needs.

Leader of Brazilian market, we also supply a huge number of International Companies around the world. Main products, among others, include Acerola, Açaí, Guaraná, Yerba-Mate, Passiflora, Muirapuama, Pau d\\Arco, RUTIN and QUERCETIN.

Company History:
Sanrisil was founded in 1949 thanks to the entrepreneurialism of Dr. Giuseppe Riso. Along the years, Sanrisil has become synonymous with quality in natural extracts thanks to its continuous search for excellence.

Located in Itaquaquecetuba, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, the Sanrisil 20,000-m² facilities spread over the 60,000-m² premises have 3 extraction units that enable the company to produce the most extensive line of extracts and thereby meet the growing demand of the market, while guaranteeing to all its clients the highest levels of quality that are required worldwide.

Sanrisil counts on a highly specialized technical team and on the latest technology to develop products and solutions that meet the market requirements of the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries.

Please contact us in order to let us make part of your suppliers.



More about
Sanrisil S.a. Industria E Comercio

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10M - 50M

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Business type

  • natural extracts for food
  • nutraceutical
  • pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries acerola acai açai guarana guaraná yerba mate passifloramuirapuama pau dãrcorutin quercetin

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Mario ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Sao Paulo / SP | Brazil

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