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Shoes Exportadora E Importadora

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

World Shoes Company was established ten years ago and is located in the city of Igrejinha, state of Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil). Initially, it began selling shoes to South America market and after that it expanded to Central and North America market. Later, it increased to Europe, Africa and Australia.

Nowadays it is selling to all these markets. Company is conveniently located 85 kilometers (around 50 miles) from Salgado Filho International Airport in south state capital city called Porto Alegre. For all customers coming from all over the world, it means an easy way to World Shoes office.

Gramado is a neighbor tourist city and has excellent hotel infrastructure and both cities are near to all important shoe factories.

World Shoes has a complete show-room with shoe collections of many of those important shoe factories and it is improving every month. For all importers our first objective is show that brazilian shoes are made with the highest quality, with very competitive prices and deliveries are sent at the expected time. We are in the position to show for importers the actual shoe collections and the ideal products for their markets.

World Shoes can also work as an agent forthe importer, guaranteeing the receiving of the order, the production, quality control, on time delivery and also having a service as a continued support on ongoing business.

Besides that, since 2005, our company is working to import raw materials for Latin American industries of shoes, such as stones ornaments, chains, synthetic materials and uppers. Now, we have customers that are manufacturers of shoes in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Guatemala.

The differential in this segment is the alliance bound among our company (World Shoes) and the manufacturer of the raw material, taking both companies to a mutual commitment to supply customers\ needs all over the world.



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Shoes Exportadora E Importadora

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Business type

  • shoes export brazilian footwear

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Denilson ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Igrejinha / RS | Brazil

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