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Sondotecnica Engenharia De Solos S.a.

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Since 2009



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About Us

With a significant operation in Brazil and abroad, Sondotécnica is a consultancy company in the engineering field that has won the confidence and credibility of the market, based on the tripod seriousness-efficiency-technology.

Founded in 1954, it is completing its 50 year history looking to the future, but without forgetting the past, built on a collection of more than 2,000 contracts for around 400 different clients, involving investments of more than US$ 400 billion.

The company has designed a total 21,000 km of roads, 3,000 km of railroads, 100 port projects, 3,000 megawatts of hydropower plants, 100 million cubic meters of dams, 11 million hectares of irrigated areas, 50 pumping stations, 2,000 km of collector networks and 500 km of pipelines.

Sondotécnica has carried out services in almost all the Brazilian states and in the following countries: Angola, Nigeria, Congo, Iraq, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Haiti. The funding agencies of its projects are the Inter-American Development Bank (IEP), the World Bank (IBRD), Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) and National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), amongst others.

Client focused and seeking to achieve compatibility between objectives, schedules, quality and costs, Sondotécnica has taken a prominent position on the business scene, offering globalized services for projects in the sanitation, transport, energy, irrigation and civil works sectors

In these sectors it works at the level of feasibility studies, master plans, basic and final designs, construction supervision, project management, modeling and management of privatization and concession processes.

The management body, composed of the president, vice president and division directors, heads the technical and administrative departments, which operate in a group of specialties in an interactive and multidisciplinary way, with around 1,100 employees, distributed amongst the head office, in Rio de Janeiro, and the offices at Brasília, São Paulo, Curitiba and Belo Horizonte.



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Sondotecnica Engenharia De Solos S.a.

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Business type

  • engineering services Sondotécnica

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Company ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil

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